About Me

This page is dedicated to my love of beer. I don’t mean just any beer either, but quality craft beer. My love of craft beer started many many moons ago. I discovered that there was beer out there that wasn’t your typical, always a commercial for during a sports game, or sponsor of something on that Sports channel the Centers around showing highlights. After my introduction to craft beer I started to want to learn more about it (I am still learning) and try as many different types of beer as possible.

So I will tell you what beer I am drinking, what the flavors are, and more if you are interested.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sam Adams - Cream Stout

Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)

Cream Stout

The color of this beer is a rich, dark, melted chocolate brown.  The head foams up nicely to a nice beige then recedes quickly, but leaves a tiny little ring around the edge.  Obviously, this beer is completely opaque, no light gets through, and there isn't even a fade along the edge like most beers.

The aroma of this beer is similar to coffee, but with a hint of sweetness to it.  The coffee and roasted smells really come through first.  Though the smells given off from this beer are subtle, they are clear and defined.  Although this is supposed to be a cream stout, it gives off more coffee smell then I thought it would.  Since I am not a coffee drinker, it really makes me wonder if I will like the flavor of this beer.

On the palate, the carbonation is crisp, but mild.  The carbonation doesn't distract you from the flavor of the beer.  The beer reminds me of a mix between hot chocolate and coffee.  There is definitely a coffee taste to the beer, but it is not as strong and as dominate as the smell lends you to believe.  There is a nice roasted malt aspect, along with balanced sweetness.  There is a mild bite on the backside of the beer and it finishes smooth leaving the front of the tongue feeling dry.  After a few seconds I get a weird bitterness taste in my mouth.  It's unexpected, and I am to a fan of it.

Overall this stout is not bad, but it isn't really something I would have two of.  The aroma is mild, and defined.  The flavor is not bad on the front end of the beer, but the after taste is something I am not a fan of.  I would give this beer a 2.5 out of 5.

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