About Me

This page is dedicated to my love of beer. I don’t mean just any beer either, but quality craft beer. My love of craft beer started many many moons ago. I discovered that there was beer out there that wasn’t your typical, always a commercial for during a sports game, or sponsor of something on that Sports channel the Centers around showing highlights. After my introduction to craft beer I started to want to learn more about it (I am still learning) and try as many different types of beer as possible.

So I will tell you what beer I am drinking, what the flavors are, and more if you are interested.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Weyerbacher - Insanity

Weyerbacher Brewing Co.

Insanity - A barleywine beer aged in oak bourbon barrels

The color of this beer is a deep copper with a fine head that is made up of tiny bubbles that disappear quickly.  The beer is translucent, letting only light through it.  It's a very nice color that is suggestive, making you feel like this beer will have a full body and some backbone to it.

The aroma of this beer gives off the smell of bourbon, vanilla, candied sugar, figs, and raisin.  That is a whole lot of smells coming out of one beer.  The darker fruits and alcohol are the promo at scents, with the others being secondary.  It is an enticing aroma that backs up the impression the color of the beer gives off.

On the palate the mild, prickly carbonation gives way to a smooth nicely flavored beer.  The bourbon flavor is balanced very well with the tanginess of the fruits, a nice maltiness and alcohol sweetness.  There is a hint of vanilla that blends in nicely with fruitiness and bourbon in the beer.  On the back end you get a nice hint of bitterness that really helps to take the edge off the sweetness of this beer.  The beer gives way to a warming of the back-upper throat area.  This is a strong beer, but it doesn't come across as in your face as it could.

Overall this is a fantastic beer and should be tried by all beer lovers.  It's a nice mix of flavors, smells and looks.  It's perfect for a cold day, and to be enjoyed and not guzzled, especially since it is 11% abv.  A great job by Weyerbacher.

1 comment:

  1. If you are ever in Tampa go by the Tampa Bay Brewing Company and try the Moosekiller it sounds very similar. I wish they had a distribution network.
