Cigar City Brewing
Jai Alai - India Pale Ale
The color of this brew is a wonderfully rich orange/copper. It leaves a mild head that quickly dies down to a subtle coating on the top of the beer. There is a good depth to the color, you and make out different hues of orange and copper. The beer is transparent, letting a decent amount of natural light through, but there is enough body to it to only let the light through.
The aroma gives off a scent of hoppy bitterness that is accompanied by grapefruit. There is also a caramel sweetness to the scent that helps to balance out the bitter. It is a very nice aroma that welcomes you to taste the brew.
On the palate the light but slightly prickly carbonation leads you to a beer that has a nice transition of flavors. Upfront you get hit with a mild fruitiness, that gives way to that caramel malt. The beer then transitions again, leaving your tongue tasting grapefruit and some bitterness. The beer finishes with a slight drying effect on the tongue, obviously this was done to make you drink more. If you like IPA's, you definitely will drink more.
Overall I would say this is a flavorful IPA that does a good job at remaining true to itself. It's balanced, but let's you know that the bitterness is here to stay. It has a wonderful color, and it smells great. I would recommend this beer to anyone that likes IPA's. I give this beer a 4 out of 5.
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