About Me

This page is dedicated to my love of beer. I don’t mean just any beer either, but quality craft beer. My love of craft beer started many many moons ago. I discovered that there was beer out there that wasn’t your typical, always a commercial for during a sports game, or sponsor of something on that Sports channel the Centers around showing highlights. After my introduction to craft beer I started to want to learn more about it (I am still learning) and try as many different types of beer as possible.

So I will tell you what beer I am drinking, what the flavors are, and more if you are interested.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

John Henry - Colonial Cream

John Henry Beverage Co.

Colonial Cream & Brown Ale aged in brandy oak spirals

The color of this brew is a deep mahogany.  It has a nice layer to it, going from a deep mahogany to a lighter brownish red.

The aroma of this beer is sugary sweet, with hints of cherry.  There is also a sense of creaminess on the nose that does appear in the taste.

On the palate the beer has a sweet flavor, and a hit of alcohol.  You do get a nice sense of the brandy.  the beer also has a smooth creaminess that coats the tongue a little bit.  The beer also gives off flavors of toffee, and roasted malt.  There is plenty of flavor in this beer.

Overall I thought this beer a pretty good.  The alcohol kick is there, and at 9.3% you can understand why, so that will turn some people away.  This is a sipping beer, you shouldn't drink it to quickly.  Let this beer warm up a little bit too before you drink.  The flavors a aroma really come out then.

1 comment:

  1. This one sounds good. And 9.3% doesn't scare me one bit! Justin and I need to pick up some good beers to bring camping next weekend. We'll put this on the list.
